?Oxygen, oil and grease free? in calibration technology

Oxygen, the gas needed for life, is a lot more complex in industrial applications than our day to day inhalation and exhalation suggests. Industry ? especially in เกจวัดแรงดัน , pharmaceutical or medical engineering fields ? is, over and over, finding itself confronted with new challenges in dealing with oxygen.Why is ?oil and grease free? so […]

Hydraulic power pack: Safe and reliable measurement technology

In almost all fairground rides, a hydraulic power pack is operating, hidden somewhere behind the beautiful facade. This power pack is not only responsible for driving it, it also guarantees the safety of the attraction.When visiting a funfair, you want to have fun and to be happy. Hardly anybody’s thinking about the safety of a […]

Police took off counterfeit storage in Vietnam

Asian product pirates are working as creatively as they are unscrupulously, in order to boost their business with copies of known brand names. WIKA is also affected, which is why the company has taken legal action against the counterfeiters. After all, WIKA’s good image is at stake. This requires uncompromising actions in particular cases. ไดอะแฟรม […]

What is volume weight?

Or why pressure gauge 10 bar is important to find the right packaging for each product.Next to the actual weight which can be determined by weighing, there is also a so-called “volume weight”. This is used for calculating transport costs. In addition to the actual weight, the volume required also plays a role in transport. […]

What is meant by hydrostatic level measurement or hydrostatic pressure?

เพรสเชอร์เกจ are gaining in popularity within continuous level measurement through their simple application, quick installation and commissioning. However, how does hydrostatic level measurement work, what is meant by hydrostatic pressure and how can I reliably measure my level using this measuring principle? pressure gauge 10 bar based on hydrostatic pressure measurement generally measure the level […]

Magic million – the success story of T32

The T32 is the flagship of WIKA’s temperature transmitters – and a bestseller, too: The instrument of serial number 1000000 has already undergone manufacturing.As one of the first temperature transmitters worldwide, T32 has complied with all requirements of the standard for functional safety to IEC-61508, also known as SIL (Safety Integrity Level). The WIKA in-house […]

The technical passport – the ID card for a product in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Similar to an identity card, all technical products and equipment used in one of the CIS countries (Commonwealth of Independent States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) have a so-called “technical passport”. Why a technical passport is required and what is behind it is explained in more detail below.Pre- […]

Definition of the IP68 rating in theory and practice

Unfortunately, we are asked too rarely regarding the specification of the IP68 rating for our pressure sensors and submersible pressure transmitters, i.e. how deep such an instrument may be submersed. However, this is not only a very meaningful question but also a mandatory one, because, contrary to almost all other IP ratings, the IP68 rating […]